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AI don’t think you’re ready: AI don’t get it

AI awareness among leaders is crucial for organisations that want to use AI - knowing both what AI can do and what it cannot do

Technology adoption

Part 5
MicrosoftTeams image (22)

Arran Speding

AI Specialist Lead

Six key reasons why many organisations aren't ready to adopt AI

In this blog series, we explore the six key reasons why many organisations aren't ready to adopt AI. If you missed it, please go back and read the introduction blog post. This instalment is all about the actions that leadership can take to spearhead AI adoption within their organisations.

Leaders can set themselves apart

Leaders set the vision and strategy. By actively educating themselves about AI, business leaders can secure a considerable competitive edge, using this knowledge to drive advancements and maintain a lead over their competitors. As the AI landscape evolves, it presents business leaders with a crucial learning journey that begins with understanding the breadth of AI's capabilities.

Recognising AI's vast potential alongside its boundaries is essential for leaders to harness its power effectively. This understanding involves grasping AI's strengths in efficiency and innovation, while also acknowledging its limitations, such as reliance on quality data. Leaders must strategically implement AI, balancing these aspects to set realistic expectations and align with organisational goals. Integrating AI into business operations requires a refined understanding that it's not universally applicable and requires sensible, methodical analysis for each specific use case.

How can leaders boost their AI knowledge and insight?

To boost AI know-how amongst leadership, organisations should blend a few key strategies:

- Start with training sessions tailored to show how AI can really shake things up strategy-wise.

- Team up with AI companies to get a peek into industry-specific tricks of the trade.

- Get hands-on with AI tools, as this will demystify the tech and show its practical side.

- Finally, highlight real-deal success stories, both inside and outside the company, showcasing what AI can achieve.

Keeping the leadership looped in on the latest AI buzz ensures they’re always in the know. Setting up AI-focused groups and getting different departments to talk AI helps build a full-picture understanding – something we talk about extensively with customers is the importance of setting up an AI Centre of Excellence for example. This mix of tactics is key for leaders to really get AI and weave it into their big-picture strategies.

To discuss this topic in more detail and to find out how Softcat can support you in your AI journey, please reach out to your Softcat Account Manager or contact our Sales team.


Catch up with the other blog posts in our AI adoption series:

Data, data, data - the shortage of expertise in data management

Infrastructure or in-for-a-shock - the lack of essential infrastructure

Mind the Gap - the expertise gap and lack of technical skills

Resistance to change - is the resistance to change holding your organisation back from adopting AI?