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Softcat is delivering AWS innovation to our customers

Softcat and AWS are committed to supporting customer journeys in the cloud, through advisory, architecture, implementation and support and operations.


WOman on phone and laptop
Calum Logan

Calum Logan

Public Cloud Lead

Softcat is delighted to announce and explain a new initiative in collaboration with AWS, that will see us contribute $5000 worth of Softcat innovation points*, to new, qualifying AWS customers.

Softcat and AWS are committed to supporting customer journeys in the cloud, through advisory, architecture, implementation and support and operations. This investment is specifically focused on organisations taking their first step into AWS.  

Where to begin

A perfect place to start for most organisations when taking their first steps into AWS, is with a Softcat AWS Migration Assessment. This service is suitable for you if your organisation is:

  • Looking to move to AWS.
  • Wanting to make the most of your cloud environment.
  • Looking to kick-start it’s cloud environment.
  • Seeking expert advice and help with the best route to adopting AWS.
  • Looking for a repeatable AWS landing zone deployed

As part of the service, you’ll benefit from an Initial Assessment, where we analyse your organisation’s infrastructure to see the bigger picture so we can offer the most useful and relevant advice. You’ll also benefit from Tailormade solutions & Clear reporting. Every solution we create is bespoke to the needs and requirements of your organisation and people. Additionally, your organisation will receive detailed reports, advice, estimated costs and recommendations to show the benefits of any proposal.

Softcat’s AWS Automated Adoption Accelerator Service

Alternatively, or in conjunction with the Migration Assessment, many customers choose to use our AWS Automated Adoption Accelerator service, automating your landing zone deployment. However, if you do require a more bespoke approach, Softcat offers point in time bespoke engagements across advisory, architecture and implementation.

The best part is – you could be eligible fore $5000 of Innovation Points* to offset future professional services work with Softcat.

*FINE PRINT Innovation Points are unique to Softcat, T&C’s on qualifications apply. Please reach out to your Softcat Account Manager for further information.